Scott Phillips – Rise Art

Scott Phillips

Scott Phillips – Rise Art

20 April 2016
In this week’s episode of the ArtTactic Podcast, we talk to Scott Phillips.

Scott Phillips is co-founder and CEO of Rise Art.  Rise Art is an online art gallery in which you can buy or rent contemporary art.

First, Scott explains why Rise Art has made renting art a significant component of their business model. Then, Scott argues why renting art actually isn’t a new concept in the art world, but is new at a lower price point. Also, Scott gives us a sense as to who is the kind of collector who is choosing to rent over immediately buying the artwork from Rise Art. Lastly, he discusses the importance of social media in today’s online art market.

Jessica Paindiris and Gaia Banovich

Jessica Paindiris and Gaia Banovich – The Clarion List

10 April 2016
In this week’s edition of the ArtTactic Podcast, we speak with Jessica Paindiris and Gaia Banovich.

Jessica Paindiris and Gaia Banovich are co-founders of The Clarion List.  The Clarion List is the leading online directory of art service providers with ratings and reviews.

First, Jessica and Gaia explain the concept behind their site and answer if it can be considered Yelp for the art world. Then, they discuss what experiences in their art world careers motivated them to launch this service. Also, they walk us through the features of the website.

They share how art service providers and galleries have reacted thus far to The Clarion List and reveal their strategy as to how they plan on growing their online community to increase the number of reviews left on the platform.

Stephen Tanenbaum

Stephen Tanenbaum – UGallery

28 March 2016
In this week’s episode of the ArtTactic Podcast we talk to Stephen Tanenbaum.

Stephen Tanenbaum is co-founder and CEO of UGallery.

UGallery is an art e-commerce platform that connects artists directly with collectors which launched in 2006, as one of the first art e-commerce websites.   Stephen first describes the online art market in 2006 and why he was compelled to be one of the first businesses to enter into it. Then, Stephen compares the online art market in 2006 to the online art market today. Also, he walks us through the experience of an artist getting his/her artwork on their platform and a collector buying art from the site. Additionally, Stephen talks with us about the types of both artists and collectors they are attracting to UGallery. Lastly, Stephen shares his thoughts on if the art market can handle this many online businesses or if a bubble has developed in this space.

Robert Norton

Robert Norton – Verisart

25 March 2016
In this week’s episode of the ArtTactic Podcast, Robert Norton, CEO of Verisart

Robert Norton tells us about his new startup that verifies art authenticity through blockchain technology. First, Robert briefly explains blockchain technology and how Verisart plans to utilize it within the art world. Then, Robert walks us through Verisart’s app and how artists, galleries and collectors can use it to confirm ownership and authenticity of an artwork. Also, he explains how Verisart fits into the recent proliferation of the art eCommerce sector. Lastly, Robert shares how people in the art world have reacted thus far regarding embracing the blockchain technology.

Joe Elliot

Joe Elliot – Artlogic

8 January 2016
In this week’s edition of the ArtTactic Podcast, Joe Elliot, director of sales and marketing at Artlogic

Joe Elliot joins us to talk about some of the technological trends in the art market today. First, Joe tells us how technologically advanced both blue chip and emerging art galleries are at the moment. Then, he explains how galleries presently view the importance of eCommerce as a selling platform. Also, Joe discusses how collectors are benefitting from technological innovation in the art world over the past few years. Lastly, Joe explains how Artlogic plays into the technology discussion within the art world.

Baiqu Gonkar

Baiqu Gonkar – Art Represent

20 December 2015
In this week’s episode of the ArtTactic Podcast, we chat with Baiqu Gonkar.

Baiqu Gonkar is the founder of Art Represent.  Art Represent is a commercial platform conceived to promote, sell and exhibit artworks by artists impacted by conflict and social upheaval.

First, Baiqu shares how Art Represent aids artists who are affected by conflict. Then, she describes the commonality she witnesses across the artists with which she has worked.  This both in terms of how their art helped them survive and ultimately flee these conflicts. Also, Baiqu discusses how an art scene is transformed when conflict infects a region.

Kenneth Schlenker

Kenneth Schlenker – ArtList

2 December 2015
In this week’s episode of the ArtTactic Podcast we chat with Kenneth Schlenker.

Kenneth Schlenker is co-founder and CEO of ArtList, a startup online private art sales website. First, Kenneth tells us how they are effectively utilising Instagram to attract collectors to their site. Then, he explains why he believes a bubble has emerged in the art e-commerce sector of the art market. Also, Kenneth tells us how he feels about ArtList selling artworks by younger, emerging artists. Lastly, Kenneth talks about the challenges ArtList and other art eCommerce sites face if they wish to flourish in the long-term.

David Gryn – Daata Editions

16 October 2015

In this week’s edition of the ArtTactic Podcast, we’re joined by David Gryn, founder of Daata Editions, an online platform for the sale of artist commissioned video, sound and web art editions. First, David tells us about the background of Daata Editions and how collectors can consume and enjoy this digital art. Then, he details some of the artists he has worked with thus far and how they responded to working on such a unique concept. Also, David shares why he believes digital art is still not in the mainstream of art collecting and what needs to transpire in order for it to grow in popularity.

Dirk Herzer – ARTBUTLER

3 September 2015

In this week’s episode of the ArtTactic Podcast, Dirk Herzer, founder and CEO of ARTBUTLER, speaks with us about their software solutions company for galleries, artists and collectors. First, Dirk describes some of the biggest technological challenges he believes galleries are still facing and how his software enables them to overcome these. Then, he explains how ARTBUTLER differentiates itself from competing software companies specializing in the art world. Also, Dirk reveals why an increasing number of artists are utilizing software solutions to manage the artworks they create. Lastly, Dirk speculates on where he believes the art world may be headed in the next five years from a technological perspective.

Madelaine D’Angelo – Arthena

20 August 2015

In this week’s episode of the ArtTactic Podcast, Madelaine D’Angelo, founder of Arthena, joins us to talk about their new equity crowdfunding platform that gives individuals access to invest in artworks. First, Madelaine explains how Arthena differs from traditional art funds, in large part due to its crowdfunding component, which requires a minimum investment into the fund of only $10,000. Then, she speculates why the art fund industry hasn’t taken off, despite the significant overall growth of the art market. Also, Madelaine describes the type of investors they are targeting, specifically individuals who have an interest in the art market but aren’t established collectors. Lastly, she clarifies the differences in the types of collections they offer in which individuals can invest.
