Museum Acquisitions 2023 (Cover Framed)

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Tate Acquisitions 2015-22PNG CSV
MoMA Acquisitions 2015-22PNG CSV

Museum Art Acquisition Report 2023

  • Analyst: Lindsay Dewar, Megan Browne
  • Pages: 22
  • Access: Analyst Pro

We are delighted to announce the inaugural edition of the Museum Art Acquisition Report, which looks at both donations and purchases of two world’s most renowned museums: Tate (UK) and the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) (USA) between 2015 to 2022. This report provides a deep dive into trends in acquisitions over this eight-year period, by highlighting annual trends, including gender, artist generation and nationality analysis. The report also provides insights into the most collected artists over this period, and how these artworks were acquired.