Born in 1926 in Bikfaya, Lebanon, Chafic Abboud attended the Lebanese Academy of Fine Arts. In 1947, the artist moved to Paris where he worked in a variety of studios for artists such as, Fernand Léger and André Llhot. In Paris, Abboud was inspired by the work of the Nabis painter Pierre Bonnard and became interested in the different techniques of abstract art pursued by Roger Bissière and Nicolas de Staël who both had a major impact on the development of his own style. Previously, Abboud’s work consisted of figurative and landscape painting but upon this new influence, Abboud’s paintings became much more ethereal, less figurative, and deeply rooted in Abstract Expressionism. Abboud is well known for his balanced composition and use of complementary colors as well as incorporating his memories from childhood and the landscape of Mount Lebanon into his work. In 1959, Abboud was included in the first Biennale in Paris and was awarded the Prix Victor Choquet in 1961. His work can be found in the permanent collection of Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris where Abboud lived and worked until his death in 2004.