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Luxury Insights Report: Blockchain, NFTs and the Future of Collectibles

Luxury Insights Report: Blockchain, NFTs and the Future of Collectibles (Cover Framed)
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Welcome to our first Luxury Insights Report focusing on the NFT phenomenon, brought to you by

Cultural Communications

in partnership with



This report interrogates the often-polarising ascent of the NFT, the dynamics of its structure, its benefits and pitfalls, its recent turbulence and its future relevance to consumers across the art and luxury sectors. Informed by typical collecting traditions and insight from field- leading experts, this report will unravel the complicated dynamics between art, luxury, finance and the evolving digital space to decipher future opportunities for growth, investment and creativity.

The experts we have invited to contribute to this report represent the art market, art law, luxury wine and spirits, watches and jewellery and the media. Across interviews and thought pieces, they explore their motivations, viewpoints and considerations on this mercurial world of the blockchain. Is it a door opener, a game-changer, or just a distraction?

You can download this new report for free by registering your email and contact details. Please note, by downloading this report, you agree to share your email with our partner Cultural Communications.

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