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Deloitte & ArtTactic | Art & Finance Report 2023

Deloitte & ArtTactic | Art & Finance Report 2023 (Cover Framed)
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Art & Finance Report 2023 - 8th edition

The 2023 edition of the biennial Art & Finance Report arrives at a time of economic and geopolitical uncertainty. Rising inflation, higher interest rates, climate change, military conflict and slower growth provides a challenging backdrop for both the wealth management sector and the global art and collectibles market. However, being able to adapt and innovate under these circumstances is more important than ever, and the search for purpose and asset diversification is even more acute.

As with the seven previous editions of the Art & Finance Report, our goal for this edition has been to highlight the continued evolution of the art and finance industry during both good and difficult periods, addressing both challenges and opportunities and opening our readers’ eyes to possible pathways that can benefit all stakeholders across the art, culture and finance ecosystem.

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