Hong Kong auctions paint an uncertain picture about the state of the Asian market
The slowdown in the Hong Kong Modern and Contemporary auction market that started in Spring 2021, has gained momentum in the first six months of the year. Hong Kong’s Spring evening sales season, which included Sotheby’s evening auctions in April, as well as Christie’s and Phillips evening auctions in May, saw sales total drop 40% from Spring 2023.
About this report:
This report presents an in-depth comparative analysis of the Modern and Contemporary art evening sales at Sotheby's, Christie's, and Phillips in Hong Kong in April and May 2024. The analysis also provides analytical tools looking at annual trends between 2015 and 2024.
Who is it for?
This report is popular among dealers, auction houses and collectors, who want to get an in-depth understanding of auction trends in the Modern and Contemporary art auction market and follow the performance of the top auction houses in Hong Kong this Spring.
ArtTactic offers bespoke reports on Modern and Contemporary artists and other market sectors. For further information and a quote please contact us at info@arttactic.com.